2 days, 4* hotel bed/breakfast - Venice (excursion) & Noventa di Piave (shopping) - 350 € / per person

2 days, 4* hotel bed/breakfast - Venice (excursion) & Noventa di Piave (shopping) - 350 € / per person
Piza San Marco, 328, Venezia, Veneto 30100, Italy
Call us + 385 911943397
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from €350.00

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Organiziramo dvodnevni izlet u Veneciju i shopping u Noventa di Piave, subota/nedjelja

1 dan
• posjet Veneciji - dolazak u port Punta Sabbioni
• ukrcaj na brod (povratna karta s brodom - vaporetom – 15 € ) i plovidba (vaporetom) do Venecije,
• šetnjom gradom i slobodno vrijeme za uživanje (u gastro delicijama Venecije, kupnju suvenira, schopping, kava, vožnja gondolom i sl.) u ljepoti trga Svetog Marka, posjeti Most uzdaha i Rialto i uživaj u šušuru Venecije, njezinog šarma i bezbroj kanala
• odlazak (brodom – vaporetom) iz Venecije oko 18:00, noćenje u Noventa Hotel **** u Noventi di Piave

2 dan
• doručak u hotelu i odjava iz hotela
• odlazak u shopping centar Noventa di Piave cijeli dan
• povratak za Zagreb oko 18:00 sati

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Frequently asked questions

Check in is at 2pm

Check out is at 11am

Yes, we have a restaurant

Yes, we have a bar

Yes, we have a pool

Yes, we have a gym

Yes, we have a spa

Yes, we have a sauna

Yes, we have a hot tub

Yes, we have a steam room

Yes, we have a games room

Yes, we have a kids club

Yes, we have a kids play area

Yes, we have a kids pool

Yes, we have a kids playground

Yes, we have a kids games room

Yes, we have a kids entertainment programme


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Terms and conditions


• Cijena po osobi 220 €
• smještaj s doručkom u ½ sobi,
• prijevoz ZG – Venecija – Noventa - ZG)
• kombi Mercedes 8+1
• broj osoba: 7 – 1 dijete
• polazak: subota u 7:00 h, sa parkinga ispred Gradske uprave Zagreba (Trg Stjepana Radića) preko puta spomenika Domovini ili po dogovoru
• povratak: nedjelja u 18:00 h

Check in times
Area activities
Driving directions
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Rating: 0.0

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languages : English German

Properties nearby 2 days, 4* hotel bed/breakfast - Venice (excursion) & Noventa di Piave (shopping) - 350 € / per person within 10 km

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